Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Romans 12:2

Carly Carly

What do I believe?

Many people wrestle with some type of: “What do I actually believe?” question as they progress in their spiritual lives. I believe modern people have become disengaged from Christianity because we don’t actually read our own scriptures, nor do we pay attention to the words of our own liturgical prayers. Christianity, by its own text, is full of mysticism and spiritual wonderment.

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Carly Carly

I am Wonderfully Made!

I recently went to a baby shower for someone very close to me and my family. It was so exciting to see 50-or-so women from all different age-groups, and many from far distances, all gathered to celebrate a new person joining the collective human family. That is a lot of love showered on a person who has not yet appeared! Babies are little miracles who bring joy to the world, we seemed to be saying all day.

Yet, how often do we share that same love and appreciation for the miracle of human life with ourselves? It seems so natural to unconditionally love a new baby, but do we extend that same love and compassion to ourselves?

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Carly Mac Carly Mac

“Don’t do good-deeds just so other people may see them…”

“Jesus said to his disciples:"Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father” (Matthew 6:1). Jesus is telling the disciples, and us, that if we choose to do any kind of “good deed,” let it be because of a pure desire to be good, with no intention to receive anything back.

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Carly Carly

Jesus on “As within, so without”

What thoughts are you thinking? What results do you want to see in your life? If the thoughts and words you have in your mind and heart do not match and support the results you want to achieve in your life, you will not be successful.

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Carly Mac Carly Mac

Jesus: The Ultimate Self-Help Guru

Jesus called people to love themselves, and then to allow that love to spill over into loving all the people around them (Mark 12:31). This was a major departure from the religious teachings of his day, which focused on rule-following and punishment for those who did not conform (Mark 2:27). We are no different today. Psychologist Carl Jung wrote, “Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.” We do to others that which we do to ourselves.

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Carly Carly

Joy Comes in the Morning

It doesn’t matter where you are in your life right now, every morning is a new opportunity to change for the better. Regretting your mistakes or ruminating over missed opportunities cannot change the past, and it will not help your present or future self. You can choose every morning to forgive yourself, and begin again on your journey to a happy, joyful life. Love and mercy are the very nature of God. You don’t have to be perfect to come to God. You only need to receive and welcome his kindness, love, and mercy into your heart.

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Carly Mac Carly Mac

I am giving up FEAR for Lent

I had been contemplating a Lenten fast for a few days leading up to Ash Wednesday. Fasting, Prayer, and Alms giving are all important for this season, and each of these disciplines can help grow the spiritual life.  However, since the start of the New Year, I have been working on my goals and “vision statement” for my career, and I have been stuck. I realized it is due to an underlying problem that I have been carrying my whole life. “One who fears is not yet perfect in love.”

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Carly Mac Carly Mac

“But who do you say that I am?”

“It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan by John…And a voice came from the heavens, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” From this announcement of who Jesus is, the Gospel of Mark goes on to recount the earthly ministry of Jesus.  These verses are so quick, and stated so matter-of-factly, that it is easy to miss the fact that the Divinity of the God of the Universe was revealed in Jesus–a real human being– in these short sentences.

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Carly Mac Carly Mac

Resurrection to Joy

I welcome the resurrection of Christ into my life to bring me out of every darkness and into Joy.

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