Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Romans 12:2

Heaven on Earth, Sky and Mountain

Our Father in Heaven… your kingdom come on earth.

Carly Carly

Stuck in Traffic (or Life)? How a Simple “Thank You” Can Transform Everything

If I am in a “control freak” mode, I even get very angry when things don’t go my way. That is clearly the opposite of what St. Paul suggested when he instructed us to “let the peace of Christ control your hearts.” However, on the happy occasions when I do let peace control my heart–  rather than insisting that everything be done “my way”--  I literally feel better physically and emotionally.

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Carly Carly

3 Powerful Steps to Find Lasting Peace in an Anxious World

“Have no anxiety at all, but make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6 -7) “Have no anxiety at all…”  Are they kidding me here?! Is that possible? Prayer and gratitude in every aspect of our lives helps relieve our anxiety and enables us to receive the peace of God. 

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