Let Your Light Shine Day 9

For you, LORD, give light to my lamp;

my God brightens my darkness. God’s way is unerring; the LORD’s promise is refined; he is a shield for all who take refuge in him.” Psalm 18: 29 & 31

The University of Michigan has a cool “Dictionary of Symbolism” on its website, and of course the main symbols of this passage are found there. The site describes “light” as a “fundamental” symbol, often meaning “illumination and intelligence”. The dictionary goes on to say that “cosmic energy, creative force and optimism are all related to light.” The symbol of “lamp” can be defined as “life” or as a manifestation of light. The symbolism dictionary states that “Lamps can also be a gateway to another plane, as in the story of Aladdin and the Genie.” 

  In this passage, God “gives light to my lamp.” Seen through the understanding of these symbols, we could interpret this as meaning “God gives Divine (cosmic) energy to my life, which takes me to a better place.” That makes sense when accompanied by the next phrase, “my God brightens my darkness.” The symbol “darkness” can represent the “powers of chaos,” according to the University of Michigan dictionary.  We can then interpret the second phrase to mean “my God brings creative force and intelligence to the chaos around me.” Put all together, I like to see Psalm 18:29 as meaning, “God gives Divine, cosmic energy to my life, which takes me to a better place; my God brings creative force and intelligence to the chaos around me.”

It certainly seems like the world has fallen into chaos, or “darkness.” It seems like all of the sacrifices we are making with these mandatory “stay-at-home” orders aren’t working to stop the spread of the coronavirus. People I know, even some friends, now have it! I am certainly praying every day that the Divine energy of God restores us all back to life.

And yet the Psalm tells us, “God’s way is unerring,” or rather, God’s way is perfect. It goes on to say that “the Lord’s promise is refined,” quite literally it means the Lord’s promise is “free from impurities,” according to Webster’s dictionary. The Psalm is telling us that God’s way is perfect; He does not make mistakes. This psalm was written after a great military battle had been won, and the evil enemy had been vanquished. It is amazing to me that King David could say “God’s way is perfect and free from impurities,” even after he had quite literally just fought for his life against a huge opposing army. It takes unshakeable faith in God to say that in the midst of so much danger and fear.

  That is what we need now: unshakeable faith in God. We need to trust that the Divine intelligence that is God will bring some wonderful, creative, life-giving results out from the chaos of the coronavirus. And so, I hope that you will join me in praying today:

“Holy Spirit, be my shield of protection against the danger and fear surrounding me in the world today. Bring your Divine light and life to my heart and mind.  Free me from fear and chaos, so that I can remain healthy and strong. Fill me with your creative energy so that I can shine hope to all those around me. Amen.” 



Let Your Light Shine Day 10


Let Your Light Shine Day 8