Let Your Light Shine Day 21

Many say, “May we see better times!

LORD, show us the light of your face!” But you have given my heart more joy than they have when grain and wine abound. Psalm 4: 7 & 8

It has been three full weeks since I started my meditation challenge. The world is just as full of uncertainty now as it was when I began this challenge.  But I feel better! Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote in many of his books, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Prayer helps us to change the way we look at things. It enables us to slow down our own thoughts, and hand our fears over to God. When we sit in silent prayer to God, we can hear the still, small voice calling us to a sense of peace.  I love the words of the song, Sacred Silence, by Tom Booth and Jenny Pixler: “Help me listen, Holy Spirit. Come and speak to me!” 

We can sit in prayer and say as the psalm does, “May we see better times! LORD, show us the light of your face!” We know that God hears our prayer. Psalm 103:14 says, “For He knows how we are formed, remembers that we are dust.”  The mediations over the past three weeks have reminded me that God wants to help us. It is his nature to be loving, kind, and merciful. When we say, “Lord, show us the light of your face!” He gives our “hearts more joy than they have when grain and wine abound.” 

Even in ancient times, there were seasons of turmoil that helped people slow down and look toward heaven. Fear caused them to be grateful for the joy and abundance they had in the past, and their prayers helped them to stir up hope for a better present and future. As we continue to navigate the uncertainty of the coronavirus, we can have hope that God is carrying us to a better future. We can be grateful for a slower pace of life that enables us to sit before God in Sacred Silence. Through prayerful gratitude and peace, we can change the way we look at our present worries, and that will actually change what we see.  Our hearts will begin to experience the joy of life. Today, let us pray the words of the song, Sacred Silence, by: John Michael Talbot; Tom Booth;  Anthony Kuner; and Jenny Pixler.

“Sacred silence, Holy ocean

Gentle water, washing over me

Help me listen, Holy Spirit

Come and speak to me

Come and be with me

Come and speak to me”


We know that all things work for good for those who love God


Let Your Light Shine Day 20