Let Your Light Shine Day 18

Whoever ponders a matter will be successful;

happy the one who trusts in the LORD! Proverbs 16:20

“It is not the reality that shapes us, but the lens through which your brain views the world that shapes your reality,” is the main idea of Shawn Achor’s famously hilarious Ted Talk (minute 6:00).  He continues, “if we can change the lens, not only can we change your happiness [levels], we can change every single educational and business outcome at the same time.” That is a powerful, and scientific way of explaining the ideas contained in this ancient proverb. Mr Achor encourages us in this talk (at minute 9:52), “If you can raise someone’s level of positivity in the present, then their brain experiences what we now call a ‘happiness advantage’.” Our brains are actually more productive when we are happy than when we are negative, neutral, or stressed. 

Our proverb today prompts us to “ponder a matter” so that we can be “successful.” Ponder means to “think about or reflect on”.  What we are learning through science is that how we think about something is every bit as important as the what,  or “matter,” that we think about as it relates to success. According to Shawn Achor’s Ted Talk, (which everyone should watch) if we think about something in a positive light, we have a higher probability of experiencing a positive outcome. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true. Obsessively focusing on negative news, or worrying constantly, will train our brains to actually be on the lookout for problems. 

How do we cultivate this “happiness advantage”? The proverb gives us a first step: “happy the one who trusts in the Lord.” By looking at our lives from a position of faith in who is in control of the world, we can cultivate a spiritual security that leads to happiness. When we believe that God is inherently good and loving towards us, then we can trust that staying in His presence will lead us on a path to happiness. Earlier in this passage the proverb explains, “ When the LORD is pleased with someone’s ways, he makes even enemies be at peace with them” Proverbs 16:7.  We do not need to worry if everything is going to work out. We can know that it will work out, as long as we remain spiritually connected to the love of God by following his ways. What are God’s ways? The St. Paul writes in Philippians 4:8, “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” These positive thoughts are the ways of God. Science is now showing that if we follow the thoughts of God, we will grow a “happiness advantage” in our brains. Let us ponder these positive things today!

“Holy Spirit, thank you that you are lovely, gracious, and excellent. Fill my mind with thoughts of your love, kindness, and grace towards me. Help me to be filled with your love and light so that my ways will be successful, and my heart will be filled with happiness. Amen.” 



Let Your Light Shine Day 19


Let Your Light Shine Day 17